Every year on June 8th, the world comes together to celebrate World Oceans Day, an important day for Raja Ampat conservation and the team at Papua Diving Resorts.

A call to action for the ocean’s wellbeing and protection, World Oceans Day not only underscores the importance of a healthy and thriving underwater world, its message encapsulates the efforts currently undertaken by everyone involved in the protection of Raja Ampat’s  delicate marine ecosystem.

World Oceans Day & Raja Ampat Conservation

Beauty of Raja Ampat both on land and sea

There’s no denying that our oceans are under siege. We often hear of tragic news and stories that involve tons of plastic waste choking marine life, and millions of tons of garbage patches swirling about in the middle of the deep blue sea.

There are oil and chemical spills, overfishing and the destruction of reefs, not to mention the maiming and killing of rare and protected marine creatures including sea turtles, dolphins and whales. Warming waters, acidifying ecosystems, and rising sea levels are just some of the environmental issues that can affect humans.

World Oceans Day aims to raise awareness about the critical threats facing our oceans and inspire positive action to reverse the damage and ensure a healthy future for our planet. Here at Papua Diving Resorts, the team works year-round on various conservation efforts including ensuring sustainable tourism in Papua, Raja Ampat conservation and sustainable diving.

Contribution To Raja Ampat Sustainable Tourism

a boy standing while kayaking in Raja Ampat

Sustainable tourism is a huge part of Papua Diving Resorts. With a deep connection to the ocean and a dedication to its well being, we established a conservation arm in 1993.

The Raja Ampat Research & Conservation Center (RARCC)

Raja Ampat Research and Conservation Center (RARCC) custom kayak

The Raja Ampat Research and Conservation Center (RARCC) aims to protect and preserve Raja Ampat’s natural beauty, encourage, assist and facilitate research on its flora and fauna, combat poverty among the local population, teach local communities about sustainable use of their natural resources, promote green awareness among the local population and assist them to work in sustainable tourism.

The RARCC works closely with the local Papuan people to provide them with more sustainable alternatives and education, encouraging them to abandon destructive practices such as illegal logging, blast fishing, shark finning, and turtle poaching.

Some projects include coral farming and coral reef restoration. Results include spectacular environmental growth in the house reef which is now part of the richest reef in the world. 

  1. Environmental Projects: With support from Papua Diving Resorts, regular patrols have put an end to shark finning, turtle hunting, and destructive fishing activities while creating awareness amongst guests and staff.
  2. Kayak 4 Conservation: An initiative to promote sustainable tourism in Raja Ampat by creating jobs that adhere to sustainability, helping the local people to start their own businesses by giving them interest-free loans to build homestays.
  3. Community Projects: Teaching the villagers how to grow their own crops and how to harvest with the least possible impact on the environment in order to supply their families with healthy foods.
  4. Batanta Education Center: Established to provide the necessary education for the children of a remote village in Sauwandarek, where they now have a total of 3 classrooms, 3 teachers and 66 students.
  5. Re-Shark Project: The first zebra shark hatchery in Raja Ampat was built here on Kri Island - the eggs hatched three zebra shark pups, which were tagged and then released when they became juveniles.

Sustainable Diving: Together with dive operators, other tourism businesses in Raja Ampat and the local community to adopt and implement sustainable diving practices. This includes using environmentally friendly equipment, minimizing their impact on the environment, and educating customers about marine conservation.

A Raja Ampat Pioneer; Max Ammer

max ammer with one of the papuan villager

Max Ammer, founder of Papua Diving Resorts, is a diving pioneer of Raja Ampat. Decades ago, no one was diving in the Dampier Strait, but Max Ammer was already discovering WW2 shipwrecks and establishing his eco camps to enable and improve the lives of the local Papuan people.

Through his dedication to sustainable tourism and unwavering commitment to ocean and environmental conservation, Max has transformed Raja Ampat into a world-class diving destination. His work has led to the remarkable recovery in marine life in Raja Ampat: together with the local people and authorities, all illegal poaching of sharks and stingrays has been stopped.

Max also engages with the people of Raja Ampat to educate them on how to live sustainably from the land and sea, while providing job opportunities at the resorts as staff members or dive guides. Other efforts include establishing no-take zones and implementing sustainable practices at the resorts.

Celebrate World Oceans Day at Papua Diving Resorts

World Oceans Day is a powerful reminder of the ocean's irreplaceable role in regulating our climate, providing vital resources, and sustaining incredible marine life. Protecting these vast waters is critical. Here at Papua Diving Resorts, this commitment to conservation is deeply ingrained, ensuring our love for Raja Ampat goes hand-in-hand with safeguarding its delicate environment.

Our guests, directly and indirectly, play a very important role in sustainable tourism and marine conservation in Raja Ampat when they choose to stay here with us at Papua Diving Resorts.

Kri Eco Resort in Raja Ampat by Papua Diving Resorts

Stay with us at Kri Eco Resort or Sorido Bay Resort and contribute to Raja Ampat conservation with sustainable diving. We’ll take you to explore some of Raja Ampat’s best dive sites including Cape Kri, Melissa’s Garden, Blue Magic, Sardines and Manta Sandy.

Learn more about us and what we offer, and book your Raja Ampat diving holiday with the best rates and inclusions.