The Coral Triangle spans six million square kilometers over Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste. It is home to 75% of the world’s coral species and over 2000 different types of reef fish. The Coral Triangle also generates 1/6 of the earth's oxygen.

So do join us at Papua Diving Resorts as we celebrate the immense contribution of the Coral Triangle, which sustains our beloved planet, its inhabitants, and the entire ecosystem.

What is Coral Triangle Day?

coral at Raja Ampat by Jennifer Hayes

Coral at Raja Ampat by Jennifer Hayes

Coral Triangle Day unites individuals, organizations, and establishments like Papua Diving Resorts, and all of its guests and partners in celebrating one of Earth's most remarkable natural wonders. 

The first day of this kind was held in 2012 by the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF), a regional multilateral partnership involving six nations reminding us how important it is to preserve coral reef biodiversity. Every person who has anything to do with marine conservation within the Coral Triangle area should be encouraging and facilitating the protection of the coastal regions, marine resources, and oceanic biodiversity through shared responsibility.

Coral Triangle Day 2024 activities include beach clean-ups, sustainable seafood dinners, as well as exhibitions and bazaars. These initiatives are aimed at sending the message of ocean preservation with the slogan: “shared waters, shared solutions”.

Read more: Raja Ampat’s Coral Reef Ecosystem

Coral Triangle Facts

beauty coral landscape of Raja Ampat by Papua Diving Resorts

In celebration of Coral Triangle Day, let’s take a look at some amazing facts about the Coral Triangle Raja Ampat:

  • Coral Triangle Indonesia is the planet’s richest center of marine life and coral diversity, with over 6,000 fish species, 76% of the world’s coral species, and an awe-inspiring array of wildlife.
  • The Coral Triangle can sustain up to 120 million people – of which approximately 2.25 million are fishers who depend on a healthy ocean to make a living. It is also the source of food, livelihood, and income for millions of coastal communities.
  • Six out of the world’s seven turtle species, including the leatherback marine turtle, can be found in the Coral Triangle of Indonesia, as well as whales, dolphins, porpoises, dugongs, and whale sharks.
  • The Coral Triangle is a 6-million km2 ecosystem with at least 500 species of reef-building corals. It is also where you’ll find more coral reef species than anywhere else on Earth, including 15 regionally endemic coral species.
  • The Coral Triangle has more coral reef fish diversity than anywhere else in the world: 37% (2,228) of the world’s coral reef fish species (6,000), and 56% of the coral reef fishes in the Indo-Pacific region (4,050).

Source: WWF

Coral Triangle Conservation With Papua Diving Resorts

coral under the sea at Raja Ampat by Renee Capozzola

Coral under the sea by Renee Capozzola

There is a reason why Raja Ampat has been named one of the best diving destinations in the world. Its location at the heart of the Coral Triangle and the middle of the Indonesian Throughflow ensures that Raja Ampat enjoys nutrient-rich waters & a thriving environment all year round. 

The coral reefs surrounding Raja Ampat are now home to over 700 species of coral, 1,300 species of fish, and 600 species of mollusks; based on these facts alone, it’s easy to see why conservation and sustainable diving are at the heart of Papua Diving Resorts.

Read more: Papua Diving Resorts Conservation Story

Dive Raja Ampat With Papua Diving Resorts

Kri Eco Resort

Join us on a sustainable diving trip and explore the Coral Triangle in Raja Ampat with Papua Diving Resorts. Our PADI-certified diving instructors will take you to the most thrilling diving spots along the Dampier Strait.

Expect to be amazed by the variety of marine life, ranging from octopuses and barracudas to seahorses and clownfish, as well as schools of blue tangs, sea turtles, and manta rays. And be ready to keep an eye out on the rich macro life in Raja Ampat such as colorful and tiny pygmy seahorses and nudibranchs.

Dive at thriving dive sites, including the famous Cape Kri, Blue Magic, Manta Sandy, Melissa’s Garden, and many others. 

Stay with Papua Diving Resorts

kri aerial photo by papua diving team

Stay with us at Kri Eco Resort or Sorido Bay Resort and contribute to the conservation of the Coral Triangle Raja Ampat with sustainable diving or explore our conservation arm to see how else you can get involved.

Learn more about us and what we offer. Book your Raja Ampat diving holiday with the best rates and inclusions.


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